Title: Monitoring of commercial marine stocks around Hormuzgan (bandar-e-Lengeh) artificial reefs Project Researcher: Easa Kamali Collaborator:T.Valinasab. M.S.Mortazavi, S.Behzadi, m.darvishi, A.Salarpoor ,H.Rameshi, I. Rajabi sasi Date of publishing: 2007,Abstract
TITLE: Study on the effects of post-larvest handling on quality and yield of culture shrimp in Hormozgan province Project Researcher : Yciusef Aftabsavar Collaborator: S. H. Jalili, M. Malakooti, R. Karimzadeh, S. Masandani, S: A. Azizi, A. Ghorogh Date of publishing:2007,Abastract